Research Article

Optogenetic Activation of the Excitatory Neurons Expressing CaMKIIα in the Ventral Tegmental Area Upregulates the Locomotor Activity of Free Behaving Rats

Figure 4

Data of free-roaming tasks combined with the trained stim sessions. (a and b) Field tracking maps of the nonstim and the trained stim session, respectively. Data and figures were acquired in the same manner as in Figure 2. (c) Time courses of the intrasession distances for both the trained stim and the nonstim sessions (see the figure legends). The error bar in each session dot represents the standard deviation of all the rats for the session ( for each session dot). Double asteroids represent significant differences between the session dots of trained stim and nonstim. (d) The intrasession distances were averaged from (c) and were bar-plotted over the trained stim and the no-stim sessions, where double asteroids represent a significant difference between them. (e) The bar plot of the average intrasession distances for all the four types of free-roaming sessions, the nonstim, the optic blocking, the optic stim, and the trained stim. Double asteroids represent significant differences compared to the nonstim data, while the sharp represents a statistical difference between the optic stim and the trained stim sessions.