Research Article

Metabolic Modeling of Common Escherichia coli Strains in Human Gut Microbiome

Figure 4

Flux sampling of E. coli HS model. Flux distribution histograms (diagonal) and pairwise scatterplots (off-diagonal) for diabetes-associated metabolic reactions in E. coli HS model. The x-axis of the histograms indicates the magnitude of the flux through the particular reaction. The scatterplots on the off-diagonal elements show the relationship between fluxes through two reactions. GND: phosphogluconate dehydrogenase; CAT: catalase; GNK: gluconokinase; RBK: ribokinase; HSK: homoserine kinase; TMK: thiamine kinase; PGL: 6-phosphogluconolactonase; FBA: fructose-bisphosphate aldolase; FUM: fumarase; MME: methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase; RPI: ribose-5-phosphate isomerase.