Research Article

Habitual Coffee Consumption Enhances Attention and Vigilance in Hemodialysis Patients

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the noncoffee users and habitual coffee users on maintenance hemodialysis.

Noncoffee users
Habitual coffee users

Age (years) 0.156
Sex, (%)
16 (84.2%)
3 (15.8%)
44 (65.7%)
23 (34.3%)
Education level (years), (%)
 None (0–4)
 Primary (8)
 Secondary (12)
4 (21.1%)
7 (36.8%)
5 (26.3%)
3 (15.8%)
12 (17.9%)
21 (31.3%)
26 (38.8%)
8 (11.9%)
Duration of HD (mo), median (range)47.0 (8.0–282.0)59.0 (4.0–334.0)0.135
Shift, (%)
10 (52.6%)
9 (47.4%)
32 (47.8%)
35 (52.2%)
Current smoker, (%)4 (21.1%)12 (17.9%)0.746
Psychotropic medication use, (%)8 (42.1)28 (41.8)0.980
Previous stroke, (%)1 (5.3%)6 (9.0%)1.000
Hypertension present, (%)17 (89.5%)56 (83.6%)0.724
Hematocrit, (%) 0.451
iPTH, (ng/L), median (range)129.5 (8.3–566.0)143.5 (6.0–2500.0)0.699

iPTH: intact parathyroid hormone; HD: hemodialysis; data presented as mean ± SD if not otherwise specified; to convert from the SI unit to the conventional unit, divide by the following conversion factor: intact parathyroid hormone = 1.0 (pg/mL).