Research Article

Demographic Characteristics, Nicotine Dependence, and Motivation to Quit as Possible Determinants of Smoking Behaviors and Acceptability of Shocking Warnings in Italy

Table 4

Multivariate logistic models to evaluate the effect of the pictorial shocking warnings.

Independents variablesOutcomes
Agree with the fact that the shocking images
used on cigarette boxes have greater effect
than simple warning text currently used
Agree to change your favorite cigarettes
brand if a new look with shocking images on
smoking health damage was adopted by the
cigarette company
ORCI 95%ORCI 95%

<45* versus ≥45 years0.590.36–0.970.960.61–1.50
Male* versus female0.640.39–1.070.680.44–1.07
Low* versus high motivation to quit1.300.78–2.150.620.58–1.39
Low* versus high nicotine dependence0.460.26–0.841.50.94–2.38

Hosmer and Lemeshow's value test0.46

Reference group.