Research Article

Angiogenin Expression during Early Human Placental Development; Association with Blood Vessel Formation

Figure 1

Schematic representation of an anchoring villus from a midgestational placental section, attached to the basal plate by a cell column (a). Schematic representation of a first-trimester mesenchymal villus: sagittal section (b) and cross-section (c). AV: anchoring villus; BM: basement membrane; CT: cytotrophoblast; eEVT, iEVT, and pEVT: endovascular-, interstitial-, and proliferating- extravillous trophoblast, respectively; fc: fetal capillary, HC: Hofbauer cell (macrophage); IS: intervillous space; MC: mesenchymal cell; ST, syncytiotrophoblast; TB: trophoblast layer; and UPA: uteroplacental artery.