Clinical Study

Clinical Outcomes after Treatment of Periodontal Intrabony Defects with Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite (Ostim) or Enamel Matrix Derivatives (Emdogain): A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Table 1

Patient and defect characteristics at baseline.

VariableTreatmentP value
NHA group, EMD group,

Age (years, mean ± SD)50.9 ± 12.9 0.822*
Men/women (n)12/78/110.194
Smoking habits
 Nonsmoker (n/%)11 (57.9)17 (89.5)0.063
 Former/occasional smoker (n/%)8 (42.1)2 (10.5)
PPD (mm, mean ± SD) 0.879*
RAL (mm, mean ± SD) 0.640*
Bone sounding (mm, mean ± SD) 0.867*
RGR (mm, mean ± SD) 0.352*
Measurements at defect sites
 Defect depth (mm, mean ± SD) 0.117*
 Defect width (mm, mean ± SD) 0.312*

EMD: enamel matrix derivate; NHA: nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite; PPD: probing pocket depths; RAL: relative attachment level; RGR: relative gingival recession.
Unpaired t-test, test, Fisher’s exact test.