Clinical Study

Are Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Alexithymia Associated with Endometriosis? A Preliminary Study

Table 4

Frequencies of scores > cut-offs in SCL-90-R subscales and TAS-20 total score.

Scores > cut-offs

Somatization 11 (33.3%)11 (25.6%)0.5460.460
Obsessive-compulsive10 (30.3%)0 (0%)15.0050.000**
Interpersonal sensitivity13 (39.4%)10 (23.3%)2.3040.129
Depression13 (39.4%)8 (18.6%)4.0350.045*
Anxiety8 (24.2%)6 (14.0%)1.3150.251
Hostility 5 (15.2%)10 (23.3%)0.7740.379
Phobic anxiety1 (3.0%)4 (9.3%)1.1950.274
Paranoid ideation9 (27.3%)13 (30.2%)0.0800.778
Psychoticism5 (15.2%)5 (11.6%)0.2030.652
TAS-20 total score6 (18.2%)5 (11.6%)0.3530.552

Frequencies difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
**Frequencies difference is significant at the 0.01 level.