Research Article

Rosiglitazone Regulates Anti-Inflammation and Growth Inhibition via PTEN

Figure 8

Higher doses of rosiglitazone inhibited ROS generation and cell growth in shPTEN cells. Rosiglitazone affected ROS generation (a), cell cycle phase distribution (b), and cell proliferation (c). shLuc and shPTEN cells were treated with 25–100  M rosiglitazone for indicated times. Then, cells were harvested and stained with either DCFH-DA or propidium iodide and analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell growth was determined with the MTT assay kit. Data are expressed as means SEM obtained from three individual cultures. MFI stands for mean fluorescence intensity. < 0.01 compared with the shLuc cells. < 0.05 compared with the shPTEN cells.