Research Article

Impact Assessment of Cadmium Toxicity and Its Bioavailability in Human Cell Lines (Caco-2 and HL-7702)

Table 1

Activities of antioxidants enzymes (SOD, GPX) and differentiation marker enzyme (AKP) in Caco-2 cells and HL-7702 cells at different Cd levels (after 2 hr exposure).

ParametersCell linesCd concentration (mg L−1)

GPx (U mg−1 cell protein)Caco-2 cells
HL-7702 cells
SOD (U mg−1 cell protein)Caco-2 cells
HL-7702 cells
AKP (%Ck)Caco-2 cells
HL-7702 cells

Multiple comparison tests were for Caco-2 cells and HL-7702 cells at different Cd levels and different letters indicate significant differences at as calculated by the least significant difference (LSD) test. Values are presented as mean ± S.D.; .