Review Article

Calcium Influx and Male Fertility in the Context of the Sperm Proteome: An Update

Table 1

Summary of published works on ion channels and physiological stimuli of mammalian spermatozoa that regulate the Ca2+ influx mechanism.

Name of channel/stimuliLocalization on spermatozoa/availabilityRole in Ca2+ influxRole in sperm physiologyEffect of knocking down/absence Reference

 CatSper 1
 CatSper 2
 CatSper 3
 CatSper 4
Principal piece Regulates Ca2+ influxCa2+ uptake, hyperactivated motilitySterileBarratt and Publicover, [19]; Qi et al. [20]

Hv1Principal pieceIntracellular pH, alkalization thus stimulate Ca2+ influxExtrudes protons from flagella, alkalizationFertileLishko et al. [21],
Lishko et al. [22]

MidpieceSelectively transports the Ca2+ Ca2+ influx, alkalization FertileNavarro et al. [23]

TRPCPrincipal piece, midpieceStimulates opening of CatSperCa2+ influx, cell depolarizationFertileGees et al. [24],
Castellano et al. [25]

CNGSperm flagellum, headStimulates opening of CatSper via cAMP/cGMPCa2+ influxFertileBiel and Michalakis [26]

HCNFlagellumDepolarization and opening of CatSper Ca2+ influxFertileWiesner et al. [27]

SOCPlasma membraneZP-induced Ca2+ influxSperm chemotactic SubfertileYoshida et al. [28]

sACY cAMP/cGMP Intracellular space and cell membraneActivates CatSper, CNG, and HCN to regulate Ca2+ influxCa2+ influx, alkalization SterileEsposito et al. [29],
Hess et al. [30]

GPCR(s)Principal piece, midpieceZP-induced Ca2+ influx increases in [Ca2+]iMaintains fertilizationSubfertileFukami et al. [31]
Fukami et al. [32]

PLCδAcrosomeZP induced increases in [Ca2+]iCa2+ influxSubfertileFukami et al. [32]

Ca2+-ATPase pumpPrincipal piece Intracellular pH and alkalizationCa2+ influx, capacitation Motility loss results in infertilityWennemuth et al. [33]

ZP glycoproteinsFollicleInduced Ca2+-dependent increase in [Ca2+]iHyperactivation, capacitationDelayed capacitationFlorman [34],
Florman et al. [35]

Endocrine disruptor
Female reproductive tract Activates CatSperCa2+ influxMotility loss, delayed capacitationTavares et al. [36]

BSAExtracellular space Similar to ZP glycoproteinIn vitro capacitationMotility loss, subfertility Xia and Ren [37]
Bailey and Storey [38]

Oviductal and follicular fluidExtracellular space
(in vivo)
Ca2+-dependent increase in [Ca2+]i in spermCa2+ influxMotility loss delayed capacitationXia and Ren [37]

Hv1: voltage-gated proton channel; : ATP-gated channel; TRPC: transient receptor potential channels; CNG: cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel; HCN: hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel; SOC: store-operated Ca2+ channel; cAMP: cyclic adenosine monophosphate; cGMP: cyclic guanosine monophosphate; sACY: soluble adenylyl cyclase; GPCR: glutamate receptor family class-C; PLCδ: phospholipase C zeta; ZP: zona pellucida; p,p′-DDE: p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene; BSA: bovine serum albumin.