Research Article

Prooxidant Effects of Verbascoside, a Bioactive Compound from Olive Oil Mill Wastewater, on In Vitro Developmental Potential of Ovine Prepubertal Oocytes and Bioenergetic/Oxidative Stress Parameters of Fresh and Vitrified Oocytes

Figure 1

Dose response curve of the in vitro effects of VB on mt activity and intracellular ROS levels in single fresh prepubertal lamb MII stage oocytes, expressed as MitoTracker Orange CMTM Ros (panel (a)) and DCF (panel (b)) fluorescence intensities. Oocytes treated with 4.11 μM VB showed significantly higher mt activity and intracellular ROS levels compared with controls. Values are expressed as ADU (arbitrary densitometric units). Pearson’s correlation coefficients of MitoTracker Orange CMTM Ros and DCF fluorescent labelling colocalization of treated versus control MII oocytes (panel (c)). Numbers of analyzed oocytes per group are indicated at the bottom of each histogram. (a) One-way ANOVA: a, b: ; (b) one-way ANOVA: a, c: ; and (c) one-way ANOVA: NS (not significant).