Research Article

Variations in KIR Genes: A Study in HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of enrolled HIV-1 discordant couples ( ).


Cohort period2010–2013
Number of discordant couples enrolled47
Male:female ratio30 : 17
Age of seropositives (HSPs) (mean ± SD)  yrs
 Males ( )  yrs
 Females ( )  yrs
Age of exposed seronegatives (HSNs)  yrs
 Males ( )  yrs
 Females ( )  yrs
Opportunistic/coinfections 12 (25.5%) TB (M: 10; F: 2)
3 (6.03%) Herpes zoster (M: 1; F: 2)
2 (4.2%) Syphilis (M: 2)
Route of HIV transmission
 Heterosexual 28 (59.6%)
 Blood transfusion3 (6.4%)
 Infected needle prick3 (6.4%)
 Not known13 (27.7%)
ART given after enrollment18 (38.3%) (M: 11; F: 7)
Not on ART 29 (61.7%) (M: 19; F: 10)
Duration of exposure before enrollment (mean ± SD) months
Duration of exposure after enrollment (mean ± SD) months
Median HIV-1 viral load ( )22137 RNA copies/mL (4.34 )
UD: 6, <1000: 11, 1001–9999: 10,
10,000–50,000: 8, 50,001–1,10,000: 2, >1,10,000: 10
UD viral load in HSPs after ART initiation
CD4 count (median ± SD) cells/ L
HSPs with <200 CD4 count 8 (17%)

TB: tuberculosis, ART: antiretroviral therapy, RNA: ribonucleic acid, M: male, F: female, UD: undetectable.