Research Article

Protective Effect of Alpha-Tocopherol Isomer from Vitamin E against the H2O2 Induced Toxicity on Dental Pulp Cells

Table 2

Control and experimental groups ( ) formed according to the treatment of the MDPC-23 cells with different alpha-tocopherol ( -T) concentrations followed by exposure or not to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).


G1( -T− H2O2−)
G2( -T−  H2O2+)
G3(1 mM+ H2O2−)
G4(3 mM+ H2O2−)
G5(5 mM+ H2O2−)
G6(10 mM+ H2O2−)
G7(1 mM+ H2O2+)
G8(3 mM+ H2O2+)
G9(5 mM+ H2O2+)
G10(10 mM+ H2O2+)