Research Article

Cytoskeleton Modifications and Autophagy Induction in TCam-2 Seminoma Cells Exposed to Simulated Microgravity

Figure 7

Western blot analysis of LC3 autophagy marker. (a) Representative images of the bands revealed by anti-LC3 western blot analysis on 24 and 48 hours cultured samples. As expected anti-LC3 antibody detected both the LC3 isoforms (LC3-I cytosolic isoform; LC3-II autophagosomal membrane-conjugated isoform). (b) Graphical representation summarizing the densitometric analysis of the LC3-I and LC3-II bands, normalized versus β-actin in 24 hours cultured samples. Data are expressed as the mean ± DS. versus 1 g . (c) Graphical representation summarizing the densitometric analysis of the LC3-I and LC3-II bands, normalized versus β-actin in 48 hours cultured samples. Data are expressed as the mean ± DS. The values are not statistically significant.