Research Article

A Large French Case-Control Study Emphasizes the Role of Rare Mc1R Variants in Melanoma Risk

Table 3

Multivariate analysis.
(a) R variants

OR [95% CI]P valuea

Hair colour0.88 [0.69–1.12]0.292
Eye colour2.30 [1.63–3.26]
Skin type1.64 [1.17–2.3]0.004
Nevus count1.39 [0.97–1.98]0.07
R variants2.22 [1.66–2.97]

(b) r variants

OR [95% CI]P valuea

Hair colour0.98 [0.74–1.29]0.88
Eye colour1.93 [1.45–2.57]
Skin type1.96 [1.49–2.57]
Nevus count1.6 [1.18–2.15]0.002
r variants1.26 [1.04–1.52]0.018

P value was calculated by logistic regression.
R: red hair colour variant; r: nonred hair colour variant.
Statistically significant results are shown in bold.