Research Article

Two-Photon Microscopy Allows Imaging and Characterization of Cochlear Microvasculature In Vivo

Table 2

Diameter of cochlear microvessels ex vivo and in vivo by two-photon microscopy.

Specimen/vesselArteriolesCapillaries (two-way ANOVA)

Ex vivo examination
(explanted cochlea)
Number of vessels55
Diameter m12.2 ± 1.66.6 ± 1.0=0.022*

In vivo examinationNumber of vessels66
Diameter m16.5 ± 6.08.0 ± 2.4<0.001*

(two-way ANOVA)=0.060=0.512

ANOVA: analysis of variance; *difference statistically significant with < 0.05.