Review Article

Animal Models and “Omics” Technologies for Identification of Novel Biomarkers and Drug Targets to Prevent Heart Failure

Figure 3

Cardiomyocytes respond to stress by membranous translocation of ERM proteins. (a) Fluorescence micrographs of freshly isolated adult rat cardiomyocytes (4 hours) show different degrees of ezrin translocation (yellow arrows). Ezrin is usually located at the intercalated disc (white arrows) but upon translocation it is detected laterally of the membrane. (b) Fluorescence micrographs demonstrate massive translocation of ezrin. Ezrin is part of the cell blebs which are, when occurring to this extent, characteristic for dying cells. (c) Fluorescence micrographs show increases and accumulation of ezrin in cell extensions of IGF-1 stimulated adult cardiomyocytes after seven days. Note that serum shows also some effects on ezrin localization in control cultures (Con). (d) Fluorescence images of oncostatin M receptor-β siRNA treated adult rat cardiomyocytes (OSM + siOβ) in culture demonstrate successful interruption of OSM induced remodeling after 7 days. Con indicates albumin treated control cultures.