Review Article

Genomic and Histopathological Tissue Biomarkers That Predict Radiotherapy Response in Localised Prostate Cancer

Table 2

Predictive tissue biomarkers for radiotherapy response identified using genomic techniques.


DNA ploidy [52]Genomic instabilityImage analysis (Feulgen) and DNA/protein flow cytometry
Nuclear DNA content [53]Genomic instabilityStatic DNA cytometry

c-myc [54]Cell proliferationArray CGH validated by FISH

PTEN [54]Cell survivalArray CGH validated by FISH

E-cadherin [15]Cell adhesionPCR array, IHC validation

NKX3.1 [55]Androgen related homeobox gene, DNA repairArray CGH
NBN [56]DNA damage responseArray CGH

StAR [57]Androgen synthesisArray CGH
HSD17B2 [57]Androgen synthesisArray CGH

Cell cycle progression score [58]Cell cycle progressionRT-PCR (RNA expression)

CAN_RF [59]Genomic and microenvironment heterogeneityArray CGH, intraglandular hypoxia with piezoelectrode

FISH: fluorescent in situ hybridisation; CGH: comparative genomic hybridisation; RT-PCR: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.