Research Article

Functional Outcomes: One Year after a Cardiac Arrest

Table 2

Descriptive and one-way repeated-measures ANOVA for multiple measures.

Measure (score range)Chart review1 month6 months12 monthsF (df)

CPC (1–5)a1.97 (0.94)2.10 (1.01)1.76 (0.87)1.69 (0.81)3.93 (2.4)
mRS (0–6)a2.41 (1.40)2.55 (1.53)1.83 (1.49)1.83 (1.39)6.17 (2.4)
GOSE (0–8)b5.52 (3.52)5.66 (2.00)5.83 (2.00)0.12 (1.2)
HUI-3 (0-1)b0.59 (0.42)0.68 (0.35)0.66 (0.35)1.50 (1.46)
GDS (0–30)a11.08 (4.07)12.18 (3.62)11.86 (3.85)0.79 (1.3)
ALFI-MMSE (0–22)b20.75 (2.03)20.82 (2.51)20.96 (2.03)0.37 (2.0)
TICS (0–41)a35.43 (5.59)36.00 (4.46)35.57 (5.39)0.44 (1.6)
PASS-SR Habit (0–3)b2.17 (0.86)2.26 (0.88)2.30 (0.80)1.66 (1.6)
PASS-SR Skill (0–3)b2.53 (0.75)2.65 (0.73)2.70 (0.73)0.80 (1.0)
RNLI (0–21)b16.14 (6.22)17.14 (6.10)18.21 (5.51)5.39 (2.0)

Note: CPC = Cerebral Performance Category; mRS = Modified Rankin Scale; HUI-3 = Health Utilities Index, Mark 3; GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale; ALFI-MMSE = Adult Lifestyle and Function Interview-Mini Mental State Examination; TICS = Telephone Interview of Cognitive Status; GOSE = Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended; RNLI = Reintegration to Normal Living Index; PASS-SR Habit = Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills Self-Report Habit; PASS-SR Skill = Performance Assessment of Self-Care Skills Self-Report Skill.
a: higher scores indicate greater impairment/disability. b: lower scores indicate greater impairment/disability.