Clinical Study

Role of Genetic Polymorphisms of Deoxycytidine Kinase and Cytidine Deaminase to Predict Risk of Death in Children with Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Table 2

Initial characteristics and clinical outcomes of 27 pediatric patients with AML.

Number of patients27
Age, median (yr), range5.9 (0.05–16.5)
 Male11 (40.74)
 Female16 (59.26)
Total blood counts
 Leucocytes, median (range)/uL23,000 (3,100–254,000)
 Platelets, median (range)/uL36,000 (3,000–152,000)
 Hemoglobin, median (range) g/dL6.8 (2.8–13.0)
WBC, >100,000/uL, (%)8 (29.6)
CNS positive, (%)2 (7.4)
FAB, (%)
 M1 9 (33.3)
 M27 (25.9)
 M48 (29.6)
 M51 (3.7)
 M62 (7.4)
 After the first induction course (%)20 (74.1)
 After the second induction course (%)1 (3.7)
 Nonresponders (%)3 (11.1)
 Not assessed3 (11.1)
Relapses (%)5 (18.5)
Deaths (%)13 (48.1)
 Early deaths (38.4)
 Treatment-related8 (61.5)
 Leukemia-related5 (38.5)