Research Article

Lack of Association between JAK3 Gene Polymorphisms and Cardiovascular Disease in Spanish Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the RA patients.

Clinical features% ()

Main characteristics
 Age at the time of disease onset
 (years, mean ± SD)
50.8 ± 14.8
 Follow-up (years, mean ± SD)11.6 ± 8.3
 Percentage of women 75.2
 Rheumatoid factor positive*69.1 (1430/2071)
 Anti-CCP antibodies positive 59.1 (1063/1799)
 Shared epitope positive 62.6 (762/1217)
 Erosions55 (902/1640)
 Extra-articular manifestations**31.1 (511/1640)
Cardiovascular risk factors
 Hypertension 38.5 (810/2102)
 Diabetes mellitus 12.4 (261/2102)
 Dyslipidemia 36.0 (757/2102)
 Obesity 18.1 (381/2102)
 Smoking habit24.5 (517/2102)
Patients with cardiovascular events17.9 (384/2136)
 Ischemic heart disease8.4 (180/2136)
 Heart failure5.9 (126/2136)
 Cerebrovascular accident5.2 (112/2136)
 Peripheral arteriopathy2.4 (52/2136)

RA: rheumatoid arthritis; : number of patients; SD: standard deviation; Anti-CCP antibodies: anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies.
*At least two determinations were required for analysis of this result.
**Extra-articular manifestations of the disease (if RA patients experienced at least one of the following manifestations: nodular disease, Felty’s syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, rheumatoid vasculitis, or secondary Sjögren’s syndrome) [4].