Research Article

Trying to Put the Puzzle Together: Age and Performance Level Modulate the Neural Response to Increasing Task Load within Left Rostral Prefrontal Cortex

Table 2

Localization and statistics of the peak voxels for the main effect of load (whole-brain analysis).

Brain structureCluster size

L inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part/insula38420423.16
L superior frontal gyrus, medial part527234322.62
R insula207362021.05
L middle frontal gyrus5455512.10
L precentral gyrus6923411.21
R middle frontal gyrus9427441610.12
R middle frontal gyrus32275589.34
L middle frontal gyrus265379.17

Note. Threshold of Z ≥ 3.1. All coordinates () are given in MNI space. L = left; R = right.