Review Article

Overcoming the Underutilisation of Peritoneal Dialysis

Table 1

Summary of studies on the impact of predialysis education in modality choice.

ReferenceStudy type (number of patients)Number of patients with structured/timely educational intervention versus controls Modality choice (PD versus HD)

Ahlmén et al., 1993 [67]Retrospective single-centre cohort ()N/A (all patients invited to education)38% chose PD versus 24% choosing HD

Prichard, 1996 [68]Retrospective single-centre cohort ()N/A (all patients exposed to an extensive education programme)Of 74 patients with a free modality choice 50% chose PD

Little et al., 2001 [69]Retrospective single-centre cohort ()65% with timely counselling versus 35% counselled at or after dialysis start50.9% chose PD versus 34.8% of controls

Marrón et al., 2005 [70]Retrospective multicentre observational ()37% versus 63%31% chose PD versus 8.3% of controls

Ribitsch et al., 2013 [71]Retrospective single-centre cohort ()30.8% versus 69.2%54.3% chose PD versus 28% of controls