Research Article

Analysis of Hereditary Elliptocytosis with Decreased Binding of Eosin-5-maleimide to Red Blood Cells

Figure 2

SEM images and results of SDS-PAGE gels of HE patients with decreased EMA binding to red blood cells. (a) SEM image and SDS-PAGE of Family A (case 1, case 2). SDS-PAGE: proband (case 1): spectrin 14.2% reduction, mother (case 2): spectrin 14.5% reduction. (b) SEM image and SDS-PAGE of case 3. SEM: ovalocytic type and rod-shaped type were observed. SDS-PAGE: no membrane protein abnormality detected. (c) SEM image and SDS-PAGE of case 4. SEM: many rod-shaped types were observed. SDS-PAGE: no membrane protein abnormality detected.