Research Article

Identification and Validation of Potential New Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis Using 2D-DIGE and MS

Figure 5

(a)–(h) Representative immunohistochemistry of secernin-1 in an independent tissue microarray (TMA) obtained from the University Hospital Bonn. (a) Boxplot of the secernin-1 expression levels in the analyzed patient groups. (b) Percentages of each score in each analyzed patients group. For more detailed information, an adapted Remmele score was used for classification of the secernin-1 expression. (c) and (d) Tumor-free prostatectomy samples. (e) and (f) Prostatectomy samples of prostate cancer patients without relapse. (g) and (h) Prostatectomy samples of prostate cancer patients with relapse. Secernin-1 expression is significantly downregulated in prostate cancer tissue compared to tumor-free tissue samples (). Downregulation of secerin-1 starts in the peri-intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) as PIN lesions showed less secerin-1 expression than tumor-free tissue samples () but stronger secernin-1 expression than prostate cancer tissue (). (i)–(k) Representative immunohistochemical staining of 5 prostatectomy samples of patients with prostatitis (j) and corresponding normal prostate tissue (k) as well as a table (i) of the results of all 5 analyzed patients obtained from the University hospital Aachen. Secernin-1 staining intensity is not affected by inflammation: the five analyzed tumor-free tissue samples showed the same staining intensity for secernin-1 as the corresponding inflamed tissue.