Research Article

Melanoma Cells Homing to the Brain: An In Vitro Model

Figure 2

Graphic representation of [14C]L-glucose permeability assay in our in vitro BBB model (see Material and Methods). A statistically significant decrease to L-glucose permeability was detected in cocultures after four days (-◊-) if compared to polycarbonate membrane alone (-▲-) or to HUVEC alone (-□-) plated on the upper side of the polycarbonate membrane for four days. [14C]L-Glucose permeability was expressed as ratio between the radioactivity measured in the lower chamber and the radioactivity measured in the upper chamber of the Transwell. A ratio of 1 means complete equilibrium between the upper and the lower well of the Transwell. Data are expressed as mean values ± SD (error bars) from at least three independent experiments. Statistics: in vitro BBB versus HUVEC alone (-test).