Research Article

Evaluation of Single-Impact-Induced Cartilage Degeneration by Optical Coherence Tomography

Figure 2

Correlation between OCT and histology. Impact-induced cartilage degeneration on top of corresponding representative 2D OCT B-scans (a–d), 3D OCT renderings (e–h), and histology images (i–l [HE]; m–p [Safranin O]); LIMP (a, e, i, m), MIMP (b, f, j, n), HIMP (c, g, k, o) postimpact, and controls (d, h, l, p). Bar represents 1 mm; OCT images fit to scale of histological sections, while entire image width in 3D OCT renderings represents 10 mm. For an explanation of the abbreviations please see Table 2.