Clinical Study

Disorders of MicroRNAs in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells: As Novel Biomarkers of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Provocative Therapeutic Targets

Figure 1

Calibrated fluorescence intensity of microarray in different groups. (a) The microRNAs signal intensity of AS group was compared with that of healthy control. There were 31 microRNAs in this figure. 26 of them, at the left side of the figure, expressed significantly higher in AS group than in HC. The other 5, at the right side of the figure, were probably higher in AS group than in control group. (b) The microRNAs signal intensity of AS group before and after etanercept therapy was compared. There were 36 microRNAs in this figure. 23 of them, at the left side of the figure, had definite expression regulation after therapy. Among them, the expression levels of 6 downregulated significantly after regular etanercept therapy, while 17 upregulated. However, the other 13 microRNAs, at the right side of the figure, were thought to keep different expression levels, not so dramatically changed in AS group before and after etanercept therapy. 7 among them downregulated, while 6 upregulated. AS, ankylosing spondylitis; HC, healthy control.