Research Article

Frequency-Dependent Amplitude Alterations of Resting-State Spontaneous Fluctuations in Late-Onset Depression

Figure 3

Abnormal clusters of ALFF distracted by the largest contribution had significant correlation to cognitive dysfunction in LOD patients. The left middle orbitofrontal gyrus with the 0.01–0.027 Hz (cluster 3-slow 5), left superior occipital gyrus with 0.167–0.25 Hz (cluster 4-slow 2), and right superior parietal gyrus with 0.073–0.167 Hz (cluster 5-slow 3) were, respectively, negatively related to VFT (, ; , ; , ), while the cluster-slow 6 of interaction of disease and frequency had negative correlations with MMSE (, ). MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination, VFT: Verbal fluency test. = Spearman’s correlation coefficient.