Research Article

Frequency-Dependent Amplitude Alterations of Resting-State Spontaneous Fluctuations in Late-Onset Depression

Table 1

Demographic and neuropsychological data between LOD group and NC group.

ItemLOD group
NC group

Age (years)68.13 ± 5.2468.25 ± 4.60−0.0720.943a
Gender (male : female)8 : 88 : 80.0001.000b
Education level (years)10.88 ± 3.9613.06 ± 2.74−1.5330.125c
HDRS29.75 ± 5.071.94 ± 2.57−4.8580.000c
HARS27.69 ± 7.121.81 ± 2.40−4.8090.000c
MMSE28.81 ± 1.5229.5 ± 0.82−1.1540.248c
AVLT-delayed recall28.88 ± 4.8036.31 ± 6.612.9610.010a
Processing speed0 ± 1.730 ± 1.790.0060.995a
DST10.88 ± 1.7813.69 ± 1.78−3.8240.000c
VFT24.81 ± 6.9139.38 ± 7.644.8700.000a
TMT-B170.14 ± 59.04152.11 ± 31.17−1.1440.270a

Note: LOD: late-onset depression; NC: normal controls; HDRS: Hamilton Depression Scale; HARS: Hamilton Anxiety Scale; MMSE: Mini Mental State Examination; AVLT-delayed recall: Auditory Verbal Learning Test-delayed recall; processing speed included the normalized symbol digit modalities test (SDMT) and Trail making test-A (TMT-A); DST: digit span test-forward and backward; VFT: verbal fluency test-animal and verb; TMT-B: trail making test-B.
aTwo independent sample -tests.
bChi-square test.
cMann-Whitney test.