Research Article

Assessment of the Body Composition and Parameters of the Cardiovascular Risk in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

Table 2

Characteristics of patients with JIA according to disease activity.

JIA inactive, JIA active, Control group,

Age, years13,7 ± 1,814,2 ± 1,814,4 ± 1,80.5762
Female10 (90,9%)13 (68,4%)15 (75%)0.4066
Weight, kg47,7 ± 10,248,7 ± 7,855,5 ± 9,00.0248 
CG versus I: 0.0582 
CG versus A: 0.0516
Height, cm159,3 ± 10,3161,5 ± 8,1166,0 ± 10,30.1428
BMI18,6 ± 2,618,6 ± 2,020,1 ± 2,30.0979
BMI percentile39,6 ± 22,735,8 ± 24,652,9 ± 25,60.0917
FAT %21,0 ± 5,419,3 ± 6,023,0 ± 5,50.1293
Total cholesterol, mg/dL156,6 ± 27,8148,3 ± 23,6153,4 ± 26,80.6770
Triglycerides, mg/dL92,3 ± 42,687,7 ± 37,592,1 ± 37,30.9266
LDL cholesterol, mg/dL74,8 ± 21,879,2 ± 25,177,6 ± 23,90.8909
HDL cholesterol, mg/dL63,4 ± 13,555,6 ± 13,457,4 ± 14,90.3435
hsCRP, mg/L0,30 0,20–0,500,70 0,40–3,900,45 0,30–0,700.0154*
I versus A: 0.0109
IL-6, pg/mL0,0 0,0–369,6168,4 0,0–255,90,0 0,0-0,00.0384*
CG versus A: 0.0109
Homocysteine, µmol/L8,6 ± 2,69,1 ± 3,09,2 ± 2,50.8191
IMT, mm0,49 ± 0,050,46 ± 0,030,47 ± 0,040.1796

BMI: body mass index, FAT %: % body fat, LDL: low density lipoprotein, HDL: high density lipoprotein, hsCRP: high sensitivity lipoprotein, IL-6: interleukin 6, IMT: intima media thickness, *statistically significant, CG: control group, I: inactive, and A: active.