Clinical Study

Effectiveness of the Lower Eyelid Suspension Using Fascia Lata Graft for the Treatment of Lagophthalmos due to Facial Paralysis

Table 2

Epidemiological data of patients and pre/postoperative ocular surface findings. (Med: Median, Min: minimum, Max: Maximum, Avg: Average, S.d: Satandart deviation).

Med (Min–Max) Avg. ± s.d./(-%)

Age 62.5 (19–75)
 Female6 (60.0%)
 Male4 (40.0%)
Preoperative number of drops (×2)17.0 (12–24)
Postoperative number of drops (×1)3.0 (2–4)
 Corneal ulcerOpacity3 (30.0%)
 Corneal epitheliopathyTransparent7 (70.0%)