Research Article

Self-Trained Supervised Segmentation of Subcortical Brain Structures Using Multispectral Magnetic Resonance Images

Algorithm 1

%  PCDA Performs Principal Component Discriminant Analysis
%test: an (mxp) array of test data to classify
%m is the number of test data to classify
%p is the number of variates
%train: an (n x p) array of data used for training
%n is the number of data of the training set
%class: an (n x1) vector with the class of the train dataset
%as an integer ranging from 1 to the number of classes
%ndis: optional integer number specifying the procedure used for
%the density estimation by Kernel regression for each class:
%n(k) <= ndis ==> estimate of the density function for each sample
%computed from the whole training dataset by Kernel regression
%n(k) > ndis     ==> estimate of the density function computed once from
%the training set on an equispaced grid with approximately
%ndis points by Kernel regression; then for each
%test data, density is computed by linear interpolation.
%This option speeds up computations
%ndis < 0 or missing always implies the first option
%(n(k) is the number of training data belonging to class k)
%plflag: optional flag for producing plots:
%plflag = 0 ==> no plot
%plflag = 1 ==> summary plots
%plflag = 2 ==> detailed plots
%plflag < 0 or missing ==> no plot
%prflag: optional flag for prior:
%prflag = 0 ==> uniform prior
%prflag = 1 ==> class frequencies estimated on the training set
%strike: an (m x 1) vector containing the class of the test dataset as
%assigned by the method
% Example:
%train = mvnrnd( 1 1, eye(2), 100);
%mvnrnd(1 1, 2*eye(2), 100)];
%class = repmat(1,100,1); repmat(2,100,1)];
%test    = unifrnd(5, 5, 100, 2);
%strike = pcda(test,train,class);
% Copyright 20022008 Umberto Amato, Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo
% Mauro PiconeCNR, Napoli (Italy) and Anestis Antoniadis, Laboratoire de
% Modelisation et Calcul IMAG, Universite J. Fourier, Grenoble (France)