Research Article

Correlation between the Quality of Attention and Cognitive Competence with Motor Action in Stroke Patients

Table 6

Results of comparisons of MMSE, TMT A, and TMT B scores divided by education level categories.

Education level (duration in year)<44–88–12>121Power2

Group 1621203
MMSE18.83 ± 4.4921.7 ± 2.1724.25 ± 2.527.3 ± 1.150.0099.79
TMT A162 ± 29.77123.38 ± 55.37102 ± 46.271.7 ± 8.320.0183.16
TMT B300 ± 0269.3 ± 90.06254.1 ± 66.6193.3 ± 32.30.0138.21

Group 21018139
MMSE24 ± 2.1125.5 ± 2.1527.9 ± 1.329.6 ± 1.010.0099.99
TMT A105.9 ± 41.9246.9 ± 25.963.3 ± 24.464.3 ± 15.10.0099.99
TMT B276.5 ± 45.1246.9 ± 57.8148.7 ± 55.7106.2 ± 59.10.0099.99

ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis. 2Power of statistical test (in percent).