Research Article

Effects of a Workplace Intervention Targeting Psychosocial Risk Factors on Safety and Health Outcomes

Table 2

Model results for intervention effects on safety and health outcomes.

Predictor12-month safety outcomes12-month health outcomes
DV: safety participationDV: safety complianceDV: blood pressureDV: physical health
Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)Coefficient (SE)

Intercept1.37 (0.28)2.13 (0.31)32.87 (4.95)24.03 (3.20)
Age−0.01 (0.01)−0.00 (0.01)−0.03 (0.06)−0.06 (0.05)
Blood pressure medication··0.29 (1.33)−3.44 (1.09)
DV at baseline0.69 (0.05)0.51 (0.06)0.68 (0.05)0.55 (0.07)
Intervention0.14 (0.09)−0.02 (0.08)−2.15 (1.03)−0.32 (0.82)

Residual variance0.35 (0.04)0.27 (0.03)45.98 (4.95)28.93 (3.20)
Model .

Notes: . N = 264. Intervention (intervention = 1, control = 0); blood pressure medication (yes = 1, no = 0). Models use full-information maximum likelihood routines to estimate parameters accounting for missing data.