Clinical Study

Heartbeat Cycle Length Detection by a Ballistocardiographic Sensor in Atrial Fibrillation and Sinus Rhythm

Figure 6

Examples of cycle length detection by synchronized ECG and BCG with corresponding quality index. ECG (black signal) and synchronized BCG (blue signal). (a) AF shows a good correlation of the ECG and synchronized BCG interval detection. BCG#2 indexing a change in heartbeat cycle length resulting in an inaccurate BCG cycle length detection with corresponding decreased quality index. (b) SR after cardioversion with a near-perfect ECG and BCG cycle length correlation resulting in a high quality index for each heartbeat above 0.4. (c) SR after cardioversion with a premature atrial contraction (BCG#3). The corresponding quality index indicates a poor BCG quality for the premature contraction (BCG#3) and the following beat (BCG#4) due to a change in the deflection pattern and a good quality of BCG signal in normal SR. (d) SR after cardioversion with a good BCG cycle length detection interrupted by a high-energy artifact, most likely a moving artifact with a BCG interval marked as corrupt (BCG#3). The consecutive beats are all detected with an improving ECG and BCG cycle length correlation and an increasing quality index. Although the BCG pattern changed after the moving artifact no training phase was necessary for cycle length detection. BCG: ballistocardiogram; QI: quality index.