Research Article

Associations of LIG4 and HSPB1 Genetic Polymorphisms with Risk of Radiation-Induced Lung Injury in Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy

Table 1

Patient demographics and baseline disease characteristics.

Patients ( = 160)Ratio (%)

Age (years)59.0 (25–75)
Smoking status
Histological findings
 Squamous cell carcinoma5031.2
 Small cell carcinoma5534.4
Stages of lung cancer
Types of chemotherapy
 GTV (cm3)127.54 (13.12–780.36)
20 (lung-PTV) (%)36 (3–75)

CCRT: concurrent chemoradiotherapy; SCRT: sequential chemoradiotherapy; GTV: gross tumor volume; PTV = planning target volume; 20 = percentage volume of structure receiving dose of 20 Gy or more.