Review Article

Modeling the Generation of Phase-Amplitude Coupling in Cortical Circuits: From Detailed Networks to Neural Mass Models

Figure 1

Neural mass models. (a) Wilson-Cowan model (Section 5.1) of two coupled populations, one excitatory () and one inhibitory (). External inputs to these populations are and , and the connectivity parameters are , , , and . (b) Jansen-Rit model (Section 5.2) of a cortical column. Three populations are modeled: pyramidal cells (PY), excitatory interneurons (), and inhibitory interneurons. The connectivity parameters are , , , and , and the input to the model is . (c) Neural mass model of the cortical column comprising 14 populations (Section 5.3) distributed across 4 layers. The excitatory populations are the intrinsically bursting (IB) and the regulatory spiking (RS). The inhibitory population are the low-threshold spiking (LTS) and fast-spiking (FS). The connections between the populations are depicted in (d). Any of the 14 populations can be subjected to an external input. In the three models ((a), (b), and (c)), excitatory populations and connections are depicted in red and inhibitory ones in blue. (d) Connectivity matrix values used for coupling the 14 populations are modeled in (c). Negative values correspond to inhibitory connections and positive values correspond to excitatory ones.