Research Article

Comparisons of the Pentax-AWS, Glidescope, and Macintosh Laryngoscopes for Intubation Performance during Mechanical Chest Compressions in Left Lateral Tilt: A Randomized Simulation Study of Maternal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Figure 3

Cumulative success rate related to (a) the time from blade insertion to exposure of the vocal cords (TTV) and (b) the time from exposure of the vocal cords to manual ventilation (TTP) in the left lateral tilt position with mechanical chest compressions. MCL: Macintosh laryngoscope; AWS: Pentax-AWS; GVL: Glidescope; TTV: time to visualize glottis view; TTV: time to progress the tracheal tube from exposure of vocal cords to first ventilation.