Research Article

Comparisons of the Pentax-AWS, Glidescope, and Macintosh Laryngoscopes for Intubation Performance during Mechanical Chest Compressions in Left Lateral Tilt: A Randomized Simulation Study of Maternal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Table 1

Demographic characteristics.


Sex (percent)Male (100)
Age (years)33 (29–36)
Height (cm)172 (171–174)
Weight (kg)78 (75–80)
BMI (kg/m2)25.9 (24.2–26.6)
 PGY2*3 (15.8)
 PGY33 (15.8)
 PGY42 (10.5)
 EP11 (57.9)
Intubation experiences
 MCL > 50 (times)19 (100)
 GVL > 50 (times)18 (94.7)
 AWS > 50 (times)5 (26.3)
Clinical experiences
 Maternal CPR9 (47.4)
 Maternal intubation7 (36.8)
 Intubation during maternal CPR5 (26.3)

Categorical variables are given as numbers (percentage). Continuous variables are given as median (IQR). *PGY: postgraduate years; EP: emergency physician.