Research Article

Beneficial Effect of Short Pretransplant Period of Hypothermic Pulsatile Perfusion of the Warm-Ischemic Kidney after Cold Storage: Experimental Study

Figure 2

The use of pulsatile hypothermic machine perfusion after cold storage diminishes cleaved caspase-3 expression. Localization of active cleaved caspase-3 in kidney sections: (a) control group; (b) cold storage (CS) plus pulsatile machine (HMP) and subsequent transplant (AT) group; (c) cold storage (CS) and subsequent transplant (AT) group. Note that renal tubules are the main site of caspase-3 activation (arrows, magnification ×20). (d) Semiquantification of cleaved caspase-3 immunostaining in renal cells. The use of pulsatile machine decreased but did not normalize caspase-3 activation. Data are represented as means ± SEM (–12 animals per group). versus control group; versus cold storage plus autotransplant group. Bar: 100 μm.