Research Article

Khat Dependency and Psychophysical Symptoms among Chewers in Jazan Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of the study participants.

Khat chewers
Number (%)

Age (years)25 (5.2)
Years of education12 (3.0)
 Employee17 (24.3)
 Student39 (55.7)
 Does not work14 (20.0)
Marital status
 Married12 (17.1)
 Single58 (82.9)
 No25 (35.7)
 Yes45 (64.3)
Amount of khat used/session
 1/4 of a bundle19 (27.1)
 1/2 of a bundle40 (57.1)
 A bundle11 (15.7)
Number of chewing days/week3 (2)
Chewing years7.5 (5.6)
Duration of the session in hours5 (2)

Mean and SD were reported.