Research Article

Crystal Structure of the N-Terminal RNA Recognition Motif of mRNA Decay Regulator AUF1

Table 1

Data collection and refinement statistics for .


Data collection
 Wavelength ()0.9796
 Space groupP212121
 Cell dimensions ()
  , , ()39.07, 39.41, 93.25
  α, β, γ (°)90, 90, 90
 Resolution ()50.00–1.70 (1.76–1.70)
 Total reflections524815
 Unique reflections16559 (1565)
(%)9.3 (32.9)
/σ ()42.2 (9.3)
 Completeness (%)99.9 (100.0)
 Redundancy7.1 (7.1)
 Overall figure of merit0.493
Structure refinement
 Resolution ()26.6–1.70
 Number of reflections30748
/ (%)16.98/20.40
 Number of atoms; proteins/water1280/263
  RMS deviation
  Bond lengths ()0.006
  Angles (°)0.99
 Average -factor ()19.90
 Ramachandran plot (%)
  Favored region100
PDB accession code5IM0

The numbers in parentheses are statistics from the highest resolution shell.
, where is the observed intensity of individual reflection and is the average over symmetry equivalents.
, where and are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively.
was calculated from 5% of the data.