Research Article

Corneal Dendritic Cell Density Is Associated with Subbasal Nerve Plexus Features, Ocular Surface Disease Index, and Serum Vitamin D in Evaporative Dry Eye Disease

Table 3

Correlation between corneal dendritic cell density and corneal subbasal nerve plexus features in EDE patients.

Dendritic cells
Subbasal nerve plexusDCs with dendritesDCs without dendritesTotal DCs
value value value

CNFL (length in mm/mm2)0.0040.97050.0360.71470.0280.7752
CNFD (major nerves/mm2)−0.2230.0229−0.1770.0723−0.2130.03
CNFW (average nerve fiber width/mm2)0.2770.00440.1690.08550.2280.0201
CTBD (branch points/mm2)0.2130.02990.2190.02540.2440.0124
CNBD (number of branches/mm2)0.0660.5050.1090.2720.1080.2737
CNFA (total nerve fiber area/mm2)0.419<0.00010.427<0.00010.463<0.0001

OSDI: ocular surface disease index; DCs: dendritic cells; CNFL: corneal nerve fiber length; CNFD: corneal nerve fiber density; CNFW: corneal nerve fiber width; CTBD: corneal total branch density; CNBD: corneal nerve branch density; CNFA: corneal nerve fiber area; : Spearman correlation coefficient.