Research Article

Corneal Dendritic Cell Density Is Associated with Subbasal Nerve Plexus Features, Ocular Surface Disease Index, and Serum Vitamin D in Evaporative Dry Eye Disease

Table 4

Association of serum vitamin D with OSDI score, corneal dendritic cell density, and corneal subbasal nerve plexus features in EDE patients.

Serum vitamin D level

OSDI score
Dendritic cells
 Total cells (cells/mm2)−0.1840.1589
 DCs with dendrites (cells/mm2)−0.3220.0122
 DCs without dendrites (cells/mm2)−0.0990.45
Subbasal nerve plexus
 CNFL (length in mm/mm2)−0.0040.9749
 CNFD (major nerves/mm2)0.0370.777
 CNFW (average nerve fiber width/mm2)−0.0830.5267
 CTBD (branch points/mm2)−0.0940.4742
 CNBD (number of branches/mm2)−0.0070.96
 CNFA (total nerve fiber area/mm2)−0.0110.9334

OSDI: ocular surface disease index; DCs: dendritic cells; CNFL: corneal nerve fiber length; CNFD: corneal nerve fiber density; CNFW: corneal nerve fiber width; CTBD: corneal total branch density; CNBD: corneal nerve branch density; CNFA: corneal nerve fiber area; – Spearman correlation coefficient.