Research Article

Evaluation of Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation in Manikin Studies: What Are the Current Limitations?

Table 3

Ventilation parameter values measured during all the 5-minute ventilation tests (), realized with 140 participants ventilating with two different BVM.

VariableMean (SD)Lower quartileUpper quartile

Instantaneous ventilation rate (, bpm)24.09 (9.47)17.2029.09
Tidal volume (, mL)333.94 (124.19)245.60419.95
BVM insufflation volume (, mL)590.20 (193.31)458.11723.40
Gastric tidal volume (, mL)37.58 (25.13)18.9252.43
Lung peak flow (, L⋅min−1)39.99 (16.53)28.4050.16
BVM peak flow (, L⋅min−1)69.26 (28.07)49.1685.92
Gastric peak flow (, L⋅min−1)5.35 (4.33)2.537.34