Clinical Study

Two-Year Follow-Up after Contact Force Sensing Radiofrequency Catheter and Second-Generation Cryoballoon Ablation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: A Comparative Single Centre Study

Table 1

Patients’ baseline characteristics (LA: left atrial, NOACs: novel oral anticoagulants).

Patients (n)RG group (58)CB group (40)p value

Age (years)61 ± 959 ± 10ns
Female gender n (%)20 (34)13 (32.5)ns
LA size (mm)42.1 ± 4.6 41.3 ± 4ns
Hypertension (%)30 (51%)17 (42.5)ns
Type II diabetes (%)3 (5.1)2 (5)ns
Coronary artery disease (%)7 (12)5 (12.5)ns
Medication prior to ablation
 Beta blockers (%)55 (95)40 (100)ns
 Propafenone (%)24 (41)12 (30)ns
 Sotalol (%)2 (3)0 (0)ns
 Amiodarone (%)2 (3)1 (2.5)ns
 Acenocoumarol (%)40 (69)29 (72.5)ns
 NOACs (%)5 (8.6)4 (10)ns