Review Article

Intracellular Calcium Dysregulation: Implications for Alzheimer’s Disease

Figure 4

NCXs labeling patterns in astrocytic mitochondria ((a)–(d)). (a) NCX3-expressing mitochondrion (arrow) in neocortical astrocytic process; an adjacent dendrite contains two labeled mitochondria (arrows). (b) NCX2-ir mitochondrion (arrow) in hippocampal glial process. Intense labeling is present on plasma membrane. (c) NCX3-labelled sub-plasma membrane mitochondria (arrows) in two astrocytic processes contacting synaptic structures; labeling between a mitochondrion and the plasma membrane is evident (arrowhead). An unlabeled mitochondrion is localized in a dentritic structure (open arrow). (d) A NCX1-unlabeled mitochondrion (open arrow) in a labeled distal astrocytic process in neocortex. Note some positive distal dendrites with unlabeled mitochondria. Open arrows indicate unlabeled mitochondria; triangles show the mitochondrial labeling near the synaptic membrane. Asp, astrocytic process; den, dendrite; axt, axon terminal; sp, spine apparatus. Immunoperoxidase reaction in (b) and (c) and silver-enhanced immunogold in (a). Calibration bars: in (a), 0.25 m for (a), (b), and (c); in (a), 0.5 m for (d). The figure has been entirely reproduced from Gobbi et al., 2007 [27], upon written authorization by the editor.