Research Article

Phytochemical, Antimicrobial, and Toxicological Evaluation of Traditional Herbs Used to Treat Sore Throat

Table 4

Phytochemical analysis of the methanolic extracts of plants possessing antibacterial activity.

Serial numberPlant nameYield
Alk.Flv.Ter.Ste.Sap.Tan.Carb.Pro.Car. Gly.Phe.Red. Sug.

1Adhatoda vasica18.2+++++++++
2Althaea officinalis22++++++++++++++
3Cordia latifolia29.9+++++++
4Origanum vulgare35.6++++++++
5Thymus vulgaris22.9+++
6Ziziphus jujuba22.5++++++

Tan., tannins; Alk., alkaloids; Flv., flavonoids; Ter., terpenoids; Ste., steroids; Sap., saponins; Carb., carbohydrate; Pro., proteins; Car. Gly., cardiac glycosides; Phe., phenols; Red. Sug., reducing sugar.
++: high concentration.
: absence.