Research Article

Polymorphisms in DNA Repair Gene XRCC3 and Susceptibility to Breast Cancer in Saudi Females

Table 6

Comparison of the genotype and allele frequencies of rs1799794 A>G in triple negative patients compared to the health control group.

Triple negative cancer (total = 27)Control (total = 145)Breast cancer versus control value
Number (%)Number (%)OR95% CI

XRCC3 rs1799794 A>G, genotype frequency
AA7 (25.92)93 (64.14)Ref.
AG16 (59.26)28 (19.3)0.9490.35–2.580.010.91
GG4 (14.81)24 (16.55)0.090.005–1.525.210.022
AG+GG20 (74.07) 52 (35.86)0.5110.19–1.351.890.168
AA+AG23 (85.19)121 (83.44)11.090.65–

Alleles frequency
A30 (55.55) 214 (73.74)Ref.
G24 (44.44) 76 (26.2)0.350.15–0.8555.70.016

OR = odds ratio; 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; = chi square. SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism.